List Of 10 Celebrities’ Lookalikes, You Will Get Confused


Celebs who look alike-There are thousands of people in the world who want to look similar to their idols. These people even have plastic surgery, apply makeup to look like their idols. Some lucky people look similar to celebrities since birth. Some of these people try to earn a lot of money by using their similarities.

Here we will tell you about ten celebrities’ lookalikes, and you will get confused.

Ryan Gosling – Danila Yakushev

10 celebs who look alike

Russian actor, Danila Yakushev’s fans have compared many times him to Ryan Gosling. They both look very similar especially when Danila wears his glasses on and also grows his beard. Danila has got a lot of roles in movies and theatre nowadays. Due to much similarity, he has his blog.

Katy Perry – Francesca Brown

10 celebs who look alike

Francesca Brown is a British woman. Since 2010, she has been mistaken for Katy Perry. She is an actress and she plays roles in movies and the theater. She is also an official doppelganger of Katy Perry. By this, she earns a lot of money by playing the role of Katy Perry. During one of these shows, she even met with her future boyfriend.

Miley Cyrus – Mardee Shackleford are the celebs who look alike

Mardee Shackleford is a waitress from California. Until she met with Billy Ray Cyrus, Miley Cyrus’ father, she was totally indifferent about Miley Cyrus. Miley’s father was so amazed by seeing her that she looks very much similar to his daughter, Miley Cyrus. There, he decided to take some pictures with Mardee Shackleford. Since that time, when she came to know about her looks, she has her own Instagram account.

Rihanna – Andele Lara are the celebs who look alike

Andele Lara is from Boston. She looks very much similar to Rihanna. According to her, she has never had any plastic surgery. This is her natural appearance. She is going to make her career on the basis of her looks. She is a model and she has her own account on Instagram.

Vladimir Putin – Dmitry Grachev

Dmitry Grachev, a comedian looks very similar to Vladimir Putin. For several years, he has been portraying Vladimir Putin. Dmitry Grachev scares customs officers. When he was abroad, he got surprised because of all people come to him to discuss politics. Dmitry has even played the role of the Russian President in the movie.

Selena Gomez – Sofia Solares

Sofia Solares has her own Instagram account, and she has 800,000 followers on her account. It is because she looks very much similar to Selena Gomez. She has full lips, dark eyes, and cute face like Selena Gomez. Both of them have a Mexican heritage. Their heritage may be the reason for their similar looks.

Kim Kardashian – Sonia Ali

Sonia is living in Dubai. She works as a makeup artist. She said that she has never had any plastic surgery and even then she looks like Kim Kardashian. But she does not want to look like her. Many people compare Sonia to Kim, but she does not want anybody to notice that. According to many people, Sonia is insincere, and she copies the style of Kim Kardashian. Sonia has a sister whose name is Fyza. Sonia and her sister together run a beauty blog.

Kylie Jenner – Fyza Ali

If Sonia looks similar to Kim Kardashian then her sister Fyza looks similar to Kylie Jenner. It gets said that she has had very much plastic surgeries. She gets specialized in women’s makeup, and she has her own Instagram account.

Gigi Hadid – Iza Ijzerman

Iza is a model like Gigi Hadid. Iza has a contract with an agency in London. But she is a plus-size model. According to her, she does not look like Gigi Hadid and there are no much similarities between them. Moreover, she looks like Gigi’s little sister Bella.

Adele – Ellinor Hellborg

Ellinor Hellborg is from Sweden. She looks very similar to Adele. From some of their photos, it is really hard to find the difference and tell who is she. Despite too much similarity, she said that she does not want to look like someone else or copy someone’s life.