6 Best Life Hacks That You Can Perform Every Day


Everyday life hacks-Well, our life abounds till living inside a home, going shopping, or going out for picnic spending vacations. In every case, we always maintain one thing, and that is to be safe forever. We are aware that the area where we stay is still secure for us. But then also, there can be chances to become a victim of an unexpected crime that we have never thought of before. But do not worry because we can prevent these house robberies and pickpocketing and for that, you always need to be alert and thus follow some simple tricks.

Here we are with some facts for you which will surely at the end secure your property. It will leave the robbers with no other chance of getting of you out.

Secure your purse while you are busy in the grocery shopping.

6 Everyday life hacks

When it comes to using the shopping cart, as you will browse through the store, you must always keep the zip closed for the purse. Also, you need to secure it to the cart by clip down to the safety belt through the straps for the child. Also, many people in the police department have agreed with the fact. They have even prevented many people from taking on their advantage to distract and then to run off the purse. It is also simple to secure your belongings than you even think it to be. For the trick, you can go with the cheap carabiner clip which would help you to obtain the bag.

Everyday life hacks to hide your money.

Keep your things safe while you would be traveling somewhere, you might get robbed in the number of cases. Also, by mistake, you could leave your wallet somewhere. Thus we will advise you to keep the extra cash along with you all the time. But that extra cash does not mean to be in the ordinary form like a purse. The best way you can do it through putting on the extra money in the small inconspicuous object. Also, the best example is of the old deodorant tube.

Always carry one fake wallet along with you.

Always take one other wallet when you move out. But the second must be the fake one with no belongings. Also, you can put some money, papers, or the notes in that. You can deceive a thief with that. It will help you to decoy them. Even if someone pickpockets you then also it will not be a big problem for you. It is because the real wallet will be inside the pocket in yet though.

Always wear one crossbody so that there will be no snatching of the purse.

Well, if you wear the free bags or the shoulder bags, then it becomes an easy task for the thieves to steal them from the shoulder of the victim or the lap. Also, you can even avoid the mishappening to occur with you. You can go wearing the crossbody because it becomes harder for us to pull it off. Also, you must never forget to keep one hand on the bag every time and then to wear it in front of you.

Always try to find out the card cancellation numbers.

Well, the card in an emergency can get protected with the help of the emergency number from the bank. It will get stolen if you will lose your card. But do not worry because it is not that big problem. You need to call out the lost card and then cancel the working of the card before you use it. Also, do not let the money withdraw.

Never keep the spare keys in the mailbox.

Do not such places to hide the keys of your house; you can go with burying it down in the backyard. It would be effortless and effective by using the medicine bottle along with the stone to cover it. Now glue the bottle cap by putting the keys inside and then push the bottle all way down such that nobody can judge that there is a bottle under the rock.