Being in a relationship is a tough task. You have to keep up with specific rules, restrictions, risk, and failures too.

But the most difficult of these is the fear of commitment. People are afraid of committing to any other person. People also fear not being able to understand where they stand in a relationship.

Some people are also confused as to what they want. So, they keep the other person too puzzled and the other person doesn’t have any clue about what’s going on. While some other people want to be in a relationship but don’t want any tags or labels.  They don’t want to make it official,  because- fear of commitment.


Cheating on your partner is the most significant turnoff you could think of. There are particular other turnoffs too. Let’s have a look at them:

1 Not showing your true self.

Sometimes,  in pursuit of trying to impress the other person, we tend to fake a lot. It’s better to be yourself rather than pretending to be someone else. Never pretend to be someone you’re not. Let the other person love your true self.

2. Faking emotions!

It’s better to be straightforward with your date, rather than fooling him/ her. Everyone is smart enough to understand what’s going on in the other person’s mind. So there’s no question of faking emotions. If you don’t feel anything for the other person, say it instead of fooling around.

3. Don’t focus on only their lives.

Whenever you plan a date, make sure to converse on various topics rather than just focusing on your partner’s personal life. In this way, you’ll be able to know their opinions and interests about multiple issues. Don’t make them uncomfortable by asking too many questions about their previous relationships or their matters too soon. Take your time and know them better!

4. Listen more than you speak!

Listening is the key to a healthy relationship. Don’t just go on asking too many questions. Let the other person also speak and let them express their opinions. Always be cautious about some questions you ask.

5. Don’t make them uncomfortable!

You always have to make your date comfortable. There’s no other way to make any relationship work. If they are not satisfied with you, there’s no question of taking the relationship further.

6.Be well- mannered!

If you’re a guy who’s reading this, take a note that etiquette will make you a long, long way in winning your girl’s heart. Every woman likes a well-mannered guy, so be that!

7. Don’t be too honest about dishonest.

Make sure to not reveal too much about your personal life in the first few dates. Later, when you’re more comfortable, then you can let the other person know more about yourself. If a situation arises where you’re not satisfied in answering a specific question, tell them openly. Do not lie!

8. Don’t be physical

Everyone will agree that the world and the perception of people in this world are changing at a high pace. People are not hesitant about things like one night stands. But, make sure not to be physical too soon. This might not leave a right image of you in other person’s mind. Let the other person take their own time.

9. Don’t be too casual about it.

If you don’t want to be serious, tell the person well in advance. But if you are thinking of giving it a try, don’t just take it as a one night stand. Let the other person know that you genuinely care. Call them frequently. But make sure not to call them too often that they end up getting irritated.

10. Don’t keep it too mainstream by just going out for dinner dates!

Try to bring in a change by inviting them to your family functions and get-togethers. Introduce them to your family and friends. This way, you’ll know them better and vice versa. Going only on dinner dates may turn out to be boring eventually.

11. Plan well in advance!

If you’re planning to surprise them, plan well in advance. Keep everything in mind. If their parents don’t know about you yet, plan in a way that they don’t panic when you show up out of nowhere at their home.

12. Spend only what you can afford to spend.

Don’t try to impress your date by somehow buying things which you can’t afford to buy. They’ll eventually know about it, and  this will be a big turnoff for them!

13. Dress to impress!

Put efforts to improve the way you look. Dress up according to the occasion. Don’t be too casual about going on dates. This might make them question their importance in your life. Dress to impress your date!

14. Don’t take your expectations too high!

Expecting too much from your partner is not a good idea. Even if you have been dating for quite some time now, don’t wait more than what your partner can do. Don’t put too much pressure on them. Go with the flow instead.

15. The double date is not a good idea!

Double dates are a big no-no! They are a hindrance to your privacy. You would instead want to be your partner alone to understand them better!


So, now you know all you needed to know about biggest dating turnoffs. Don’t forget to share this with your friends!