Choose the pain-free high heels-Women who wear high heels to look stunning, and it is an indisputable fact. Though some feel discomfort by wearing high heel shoes, there may be a pain in their feet or legs and often painfully rub their skin. You should know several tricks to choose the perfect heel to wear which will make ease for your feet.
In this article, you all will get to know about some rules of footwear which will help you to choose the right and comfortable pair of shoes, and you will feel happy and pain-free.
Comfortable heel to wear every day.
It does not matter how much you love wearing high heels. It even though you should opt for everyday use. Your health significantly gets affected by wearing high heels daily. The knee joints start to pain and change the ligaments in the long run. There can take place the spinal problems. It has said that beauty is a pain but is it right to bear this pain. We all need comfortable and pain-free life. You have many options to alter with high heels. You can wear flat shoes instead of high heels or wear shorter heels.
- Follow what your doctor recommends to you. According to doctors, the heel’s height should not be more than four cm. It is the least harmful height. The 3 cm height of the heel reduces the load on the spine, and it does not lead to cause degenerative changes in the bone tissues.
- There is one another way to choose the comfortable heel is to look at the distance between the heel and the sole. The range is shorter with the high heel. You can stand safely and correctly if the length is 6 cm.
The comfortable height for party shoes
There is a trick according to which you should choose the pain-free high heels for the party. With these methods, you can select a comfortable and ideal height of the heel. In some cases, the heel can be more than 2-4 cm.
- You need to take into consideration the specific features of the body. Firstly you need to measure the height and the length of the leg from the hips to the feet. There is one formula, according to which you can measure the height of the heel. The formula is (height/leg length- 1.61)*10.
- According to the second method, you need a measuring tape. You need to sit comfortably on the chair and then stretch your one leg. Now measure the distance between your heel and ball of the foot. The resultant figure is the ideal height required for the heel for you. Tise distance is equal to the natural inclination of the foot, and with this height, there is no need to exert yourself down.
Some more nuances
To prevent your leg pain, the women should avoid the shoes that are smaller in size. Though you can choose more significant size footwear’s. In the bigger size shoes, you can place silicon layers which will lead to an increase in the comfort level of the boots.
According to the rule, The footwear that is made up of artificial materials are very rough, and these footwears take a lot of time to get in shape without feet. And if you wear this footwear, it causes the appearance of calluses and corns on the foot. You should wear the shoe which is made up of natural leather or suede because these are most comfortable foot wears.
A position of the heel
We have even discussed this point above that we should pay attention to the distance between the heel and the sole. And the shoes should not be too much loose, nor your foot should be constrained too much in the shoes. When you are going to buy the footwear, at that time walk a little to check the boots comfortably. The heel of the footwear should not be curved; it should be straight. If the heel is curved, then you will feel difficulty in wearing it, and there are more chances that it will break soon.