Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers-It’s quite natural for us to eat at night, especially when we have to work late at night or if it’s hard to fall asleep. But, if we do not eat wisely, it is quite evident that all the food that we eat may go into our hips.

Research shows the health impact of nighttime eating. This study found that eating snacks during nighttime which are loaded with sugars and fats can lead to obesity and cardiovascular diseases. So, what to do when you are hungry late at night? Well, there is good news. First of all, limiting the amount of food as much as possible is the best way to remain healthy. Secondly, avoiding foods that are high in carbs and fats is a better option. However, certain foods are beneficial to us even if had during the night. These foods not only ensure your health but, may also help you fall off asleep or improve your metabolism.

Find out what foods to eat and what foods to avoid during the nighttime.

1.  Cheese

You might be thinking why someone would eat cheese which is full of fats? However, cheese has a low carb content and high protein and fat content, which means that it will take a longer time to digest. This will ensure that you feel full for quite long. But there is a catch: it is essential that you eat cheese (well, any food) in moderation. Do not eat like a dozen cheese slices. A single slice would be enough to keep your stomach happy. If you wish to eat more, you can have the low-fat varieties.

2. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese contains a protein called ‘casein’, which has a prolonged rate of digestion. Proteins are vital to our body, especially in muscle development. This high protein diet is best suited for late-night as it will make you feel full for a longer time. Again, moderation is the key.

3. Bananas

Bananas are high in calories but, compared to other snacks like sweets or chocolates, they are far better. Moreover, bananas contain high amounts of potassium and magnesium which help you to relax. But, the best reason to have a banana late at night is the fact that it contains melatonin, which can help you fall asleep.


4.  Hummus

9 Best Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers

A lot of people think that hummus is all fat. However, it is made from chickpeas which are an excellent source of protein and essential fats. You can add some veggies like carrots to make it tastier.

Avoid foods like chicken or turkey. They are full of greases that can harm your cardiovascular system.

5.  Veggies

9 Best Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers

Vegetables are excellent snacks. They are low in the glycaemic index (GI), which means that they will not disturb your sugar levels. Veggies are also rich in fiber which gives a sense of fullness and help in better digestion. You can prepare a salad in advance for a perfect late-night snack.

Avoid foods like doughnuts. They are nothing but an enemy of your hips.


6. Yogurt

9 Best Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers

Greek yogurt is undoubtedly the best late-night snack. Not only is it high in protein, but, low in fat and sugar. It may also help you to fall asleep. Add some berries or veggies to make it appetizing.

Avoid eating fruits rich in carbs like apples. They help in waking and not sleeping.

7. Eggs

9 Best Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers

An egg has about 70 calories, but its protein content is quite appreciable. Eating an egg late at night will make your tummy happy and full for a long time. On the other hand, a slice of pizza contains around 300 calories with a lot of fats and carbs.


8.  Crackers

9 Best Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers

Whole-grain crackers are low in calories making it a great late-night snack. Sandwiching some hummus or a slice of cottage cheese in between the crackers would not harm.


9. Popcorn

9 Best Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers

When we say popcorn as a night snack, we do not mean the popcorn that is drenched with butter but the air-popped popcorn. It is full of proteins an a fun snack to have during nighttime. You can season it with some salt, chili flakes or herbs to make it tastier.

Foods To Avoid During Night

9 Best Foods to eat at night healthy eating options for night shift workers


Even though apples are low in calories and a good source of nutrients, they are more of a morning snack as they help you to wake up.

Fast Carbs.

Carbohydrates that have a high GI value are called fast carbs. These carbs get digested readily into your body (waistline). In short, avoid foods like sweets, cakes, doughnuts, and chocolates.


Alcohol may make you feel sleepy but, it dehydrates your body and makes you feel hungry. As a result, you will only be adding to your waistline. Moreover, a mug of beer will pump around 200 calories into your body.

Spicy Foods.

Spicy foods tend to dehydrate your body. As a result, if you wake up in the middle of the night, you are likely to have some snacks.