Eating myths you still think are true. Sometimes we read on facebook as “drinking coffee is bad for our health. After liking the post, we decided to give up this evil thing, and we stop drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day. However, we should not do this. According to the scientists, 3 cups of coffee a day lowers the risk of developing dementia

We should not focus on the pieces of advice given on the facebook because such does not base on scientific research. There are nine popular myths that many of us believe.

We have collected the most popular misconceptions in this article, which scientists checked all, and they have proved them wrong.

Eating myths you still think are true

1. All diets are evil

Eating Myths That We Should Not Believe That is Shown On The Facebook


The diet you take is a regimented eating schedule that’s not healthy for your body.


The result of the various studies says that all the diets are not harmful. You can take the example of the Mediterranean diet that is very effective. This diet includes vegetables, fruits, seafood, beans, and olive oil. This type of food can reduce the risk of various cancers like prostate cancer by 10%, breast cancer by 15%, and colon cancer by 25%.

The scientists have recommended that the doctors should promote their patients to follow these diets.

2. Milk makes our bones and teeth stronger


The milk contains calcium which strengthens the teeth and the bones.


The results of various studies say that if you drink milk every day, it does not affect your bone density. You should add 800-1000 mg of vitamin-D in your diet to avoid osteoporosis. Vitamins affect your bones more than the milk.

3. Drinking too much coffee if harmful to our health


Coffee dehydrates the body so drinking it too much is harmful to the body.


Coffee is not harmful to your body. If you intake 3 cups of coffee a day, it lowers the risk of developing dementia by 25%, and if you drink 5 cups of coffee a day, it protects you from Alzheimer. Coffee does not dehydrate you. Coffee helps to keep you healthy and improves your brain functions better.

4. Spicy foods only hurt the stomach


Spicy foods should be avoided because these hurt the stomach.


The spices help in faster digestion of fats that protect the body from obesity, hypertension, and diabetes type 2. It also helps in reducing inflammation. So these foods are beneficial for your stomach.

5. Popcorn is unhealthy fast food


Popcorn is the same as french fries. It is just empty calories.


Popcorn is full of antioxidants that protect the body from atherosclerosis, diabetes, and prevents from raising the cholesterol level.

6. Eating in the small portions is good for health


You make your metabolism faster if you eat often and your appetite decreases which lead you to lose weight.


There is no effect on your weight if you eat often. The persons who eat six times a day, the appetite is higher in them.

Read more: Healthy Foods You have Been Eating Wrong Your Whole Lives

7. Coconut oil is better than any other oils


Due to the extraordinary features, the coconut oil can be substituted in place of other kinds of food oils.


A high level of saturated fats is present in the coconut oil near about 90%. The high level of it is not suitable for your health.

8. Brown rice contains many minerals as compared to white one


Brown rice is much better than white rice because it contains a vast number of minerals.


It is the same as the white rice but not completely processed. Brown rice also contains some non-organic arsenic along with the minerals. So, it is not safe to eat the brown rice more.

9. You can drink the green tea as much as you want


Green tea is a powerful antioxidant. It lowers the risk of various kinds of cancer so you can drink it in unlimited amount.


Scientists recommend that you should not drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day. Do not drink it in place of water because it does not treat all the diseases. The chemicals present in it are toxic for your livre.