Everybody has a blog these days. Because yes, it is possible for you to make money on your blog. But, you can’t just wake up one beautiful morning, start a blog and expect it to become a successful business overnight.

You need a strategic plan; you need to do the following.

  1. Start A Blog – Consider different opportunities to monetize, pick an audience to serve, choose a blogging platform, domain name and start blogging. And finally, lay the groundwork for distribution and plan out your publishing strategy.
  2. Guest Post On Other Blogs – Guest Posting means that you write a post on another person’s blog. This will make you friends with other bloggers and expose you to their audience.
  3. Start Freelance Writing and Doing VA Work – In the beginning, it might be hard to make money from blogging, so you can try your hand at all these to fund your blogging expenses – Freelance Writing and Virtual Assistant Work.
  4. Build Your Social Media Presence – The more social media platforms you can excel at, the better. You never know when one social media platform will change it’s algorithm, making you’re following challenging to reach. The more platforms you’re on, the more different your traffic will be.
  5. Connect With Bloggers In Your Niche – As you blog, guest post, freelance write and grow your social media platforms, you will need to connect with other bloggers in your niche. This can be done by commenting on their posts, sending them emails and attending conferences together.
  6. Grow Your Email List – You need to start collecting and growing your email list as soon as possible as they will be an essential asset.
  7. Increase Audience – This can be accomplished by search engine optimization(SEO) and social media.
  8. Make Money Off Your Blog – Here’s a brief list of established revenue-generation methods that are currently working for professional bloggers :

    Simple Ways to monetize your blog and make money online
  • Selling merchandise with the blog’s brand, logo, and content.
  • Selling other products or services directly from the blog.
  • Soliciting donations from readers.
  • Participating in affiliate programs that offer high commission pay-per-click or pay-per-sale.
  • Showcasing advertising from other companies on your blog.
  • Offering premium content using subscription or paid content.