1 Make your mac

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Most funny pictures-It’s not a problem if you cannot buy a mac or afford it. Here is the problem with your solution. You can place a real apple on your laptop, and it will become like mac and the most exciting part about this is the cover of the apple will protect it if it gets rotten.

2 Portable computer

Some Of The Most Funny Pictures You Would See On Internet

Who says the computer is not portable. I mean if you have a portable computer then you do not need a laptop even. In this picture, this man has made his portable computer, and he has reduced his need for buying an expensive laptop. Just look at him he is walking with that computer. Isn’t it cool even then the laptop? Of course, it is.

3 Backup cooler

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Now, this is something exciting and refreshing. The backup refrigerator. This idea is just excellent. I mean if you don’t have cooler to keep your bottles and then you can make your backup cooler just like this man did. And remember the main thing you need to add is fabric softener which is the must. Just give it a try.

4 Door lock

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If your car door has been destroyed and then you need to worry nowhere is an alternative to your problem. You can lock your car like this as shown in the picture. This even seems to be better than the door lock. Do not take tension no one can steal this car now after all it has been locked by a sturdy lock now.

Read also: 20 Funny Order Fails

5 Steam cooker

Some Of The Most Funny Pictures You Would See On Internet

Do not have something like a steam cooker to cook your food at your home then you can use this to cook food. This will provide proper steam to your feed, and it has one more plus point that it will remove the wrinkles from your diet. That is surely cool.

6 DIY wind chimes

Wind chimes look beautiful. Oh, not always but it does not seem that beautiful when it is made up of these beer cans. But it has some fundamental advantages, and that is whenever wind will be there it will remind you to buy some beer for you. Is not that good one thing two advantages.

7 Side view mirror

It is unfortunate that your side view mirror is destroyed. After all, it is necessary while driving. You need to see the faraway objects from you. Why do not you use glasses instead of that side-view mirror? It will work the same and will surely help you in driving too.

8 Disposable razors

This is a good invention. I mean look at this-this is so creative. You can quickly make this disposal razors at your home and perfect use of fork too. This is both innovative and interesting; You need to try this at once. You will surely like it.