Best DIY for facial hair -Women are usually conscious about their facial appearance. Because of society’s view on how women should look, they are expected to look like mannequins to be displayed 24/7. However, in reality, as much as most dolls are styled after women, we are not as perfect as these plastic replicas. Not all women are thin, or tall, or have the skin tone of the usual Barbie; we have facial hair and stretch marks. And that’s perfectly fine. We are humans, and our flaws are what make us, so.
But this article talks about a feature that most people, including women, find disturbing and maybe even ugly: facial hair. Some say it’s weird and hideous and choose to get rid of it, while others embrace it and flaunt it beautifully.
Now I don’t condemn anyone belonging to the former or the latter. In fact, I want you to know that you are beautiful, no matter what you look like— with facial hair or not.
So anyway, if you are a woman who decides to let go of your facial hair to increase your confidence, I’m here to help you. After all, that’s what girls do right? So without further ado, here are five ways to get rid of your facial hair.
Best DIY for facial hair
It turns out; you don’t need to go to the parlour for threading services. Right in the comforts of home, you can do it yourself! First, you’ll obviously need a thread, preferably a cotton thread, or any thread that will not break easily. Then you’ll have to tie the ends together to make a circle, and twist at the centre (See image below). It takes both your hands to thread correctly, and make sure you don’t do it in dark places. If you need to sit by the window with a magnifying glass, it’ll be better because you’ll be able to focus on the area on which you’re working.
Using Wax Strips
If you don’t want to thread your facial hair or if the growth is too much, you can try using wax strips. These are essential and may be useful to keep a pack or two at home. You can buy facial wax strips in stores. Most find the blue Veet brand to be preferable. And it’s also easy to use. All you have to do is cut the strips to fit the area you want to wax off, massage it on according to the direction of hair (either downwards or sideways), and peel off in the opposite direction. After waxing, make sure to massage the area with a light cream or aloe gel.
Read also: How to remove unwanted facial hair naturally without any chemicals.
Using Katori Wax
Katori Wax is cold wax in a metal bowl. Once heated up to a honey-like consistency, you can apply the substance over the area. Remember that the metal bowl heats up quickly so don’t hold it directly over a burning flame. If you do so, please use caution. After applying the wax over the area, wait for it to cool to non-sticky texture. Then, to get a firm grip on the roots of the hair, use another layer. This process is somewhat less painful than threading, and a lot easier as well.
Using A Stick
Well, it’s not the stick you get from trees. It’s made from a pencil-length spring or coil with plastic handles at both ends. Bend each end, so it forms a U shape and rolls the handles inward. I have to warn you, though. It’s pretty painful, and you have to go over an area repeatedly. But it does get the job done. All. At. Once. I know, right?
Tweezing is your go-to emergency method whenever you’re in a hurry and want to get rid of excess hair sprouting from places you don’t want them to be. After all, you can’t tweeze out all the strands in a specific area. It’s relatively painless once you get used to it. Also, after tweezing, gently massage an ice pack or mild cream on to the regions.
All the methods above can be used for various forms of facial hair, from eyebrows to chin hair and moustaches. Aside from them, there is also facial hair removing creams you can buy from stores.