How to maintain colored hair? Colouring of hairs in a variety of shades has become a new trend these days. But the more these colored hairs look beautiful and perfect the more difficult it is to maintain them in daily life due to several side effects of hair coloring. Here we have mentioned some of the best tips to avoid hair loss and regain the natural shine and strength of your transformed dyed hairs. Have a look at these and try to follow them-

1) Avoid the hair roots
Applying hair dye to the roots can cause damage to hairs as it includes several chemicals that can weaken the hair and can also make the rough.

2) Adapt ammonia and other synthetic chemical free dyes
Allergy may be caused due to ammonia and other harmful chemicals. A specific disease is caused which is known as Contact Allergic dermatitis which is a type of an allergy and can be fatal.

3) Select the shade which almost matches with your natural color
Light shades usually consist of peroxide (bleach) which are harmful to hair proteins as they may denature it. This is the main reason behind the hair fall and weak hairs.

Read also: Home-made Hair Color Dye

4) Choose your shampoo carefully
One must use light shampoo which contains fewer chemicals as it may fade the hair dye after one or two wash and can result in rough and damaged hairs.

5) Apply natural, chemical-free Mehandi
This helps in retaining the natural shine and dye for a longer time.

6) Oiling is necessary
This nourishes the roots and strengthens the hair as it results in smooth and strong hairs.

7) Use a conditioner after shampooing your hairs
This must be used for proper nourishment which helps in maintaining the shine and colour.

8) Always use the correct formula
A proper formula needs to be applied to hair for proper growth and avoiding several side effects.