Beauty products you should not buy. There is a myth about some beauty products that without using them, your skin can’t glow. According to a survey held in 2017, 16% of cosmetic products are just a waste of money. Today with this article we will enlighten your knowledge about the products which you need not buy and waste your money.
Beauty products you should not buy
Female shaving creams and foams
Girls must not spend money on purchasing female shaving creams and foams. Foams and shaving creams make your hair smooth and moisturize your skin which helps in smooth shaving. The content of both male and female shaving foams and gels is the same. The difference between male and female shaving gels is their fragrance and packaging. If these two things don’t matter you a lot, then you can buy male shaving creams and foams because they are way lesser than female products. Even you can use hair conditioner and moisturizer shower gel to make your hair smooth.
Neck Cream
You don’t need to buy special neck cream to moisturize your neck area. The skin of your neck is very delicate and needs regular moisturizing. You can use a daily moisturizer which you use on your face. It will also moisturize your delicate neck skin.
Matte wipes
It is not essential to use matte wipes to wipe your face. Matte wipes are just a thin piece of paper. We can replace matte wipes with normal tissues or towels to absorb excess sebum on your skin. The only difference will be that all oil spots won’t be visible on clothes and napkins.
Read also: Drive Away Your Summer Beauty Issues With These Hacks!
Nail polish top coat
The stay of nail polish purely depends on the nail polish itself. It doesn’t depend on the topcoat of nail polish. We get disappointed when you apply a topcoat, and still, the nail polish doesn’t stay for an extended period. If you want to spend money wisely, then try to buy a good quality nail polish.
Night cream
The purchase of special night creams is just a waste of money. These creams overprice according to their usage. Dermatologist says that if you take care of your skin during the daytime, then you don’t need to spend a tremendous amount of money on special night creams.
Pore strips for blackheads
Blackheads appear due to the accumulation of bacteria and dirt on your skin. Using strips for blackheads is a bad idea. It is a complete wastage of money. To remove blackheads all that you need is a good quality of cleansing gel which you must use on a regular basis.