Why the future of dating apps is promising

Have you ever thought of what is one of the core values for most of us? Communication. Especially, communication with those we like.

People are eager to find someone who shares their interests, hobbies, and tastes to spend time together. Joint travels and sports activities, friendship, romance… The goals of acquaintances can differ. But the way to find an appropriate partner coincides in the vast majority of cases.

Nowadays, it is a common thing to look for companions with similar aspirations, values and needs online. Thanks to dating apps people get a chance to find a partner in accordance with their preferences. The popularity of this kind of online service is growing. New generations feel like it is the usual way to make acquaintances. All this makes dating app development a prospective idea for a startup.

Statista predicts that during the next two years the amount of dating app users will grow by 80 million on the globe. The pandemic restrictions can only boost this process. Since people lost the ways to make acquaintances they used to, an alternative like dating services promises to be fast-growing.

This niche is very competitive due to its huge audience. But there is always a window to start. And the earlier you will take your place in the market the more successful your project can turn out to be.

Dating app development: How to Start

The idea to enhance someone’s life is inspiring. Your project can help break everyday routines, find new opportunities in business, start friendships, and change the personal lives of thousands of people.

One of the core things to start is to define the idea of your project. In order to get inspiration, you can do market research to learn what kinds of dating apps exist and what are popular.

Most people associate dating apps with romance. And yes, there are plenty of dating services that target the audience willing to find romantic partners or serious relationships. To find someone to talk to from heart to heart is the leading motivation of users that prefer to register in that kind of dating app. But this is not the only goal people follow while looking for appropriate service. They can be willing to find friends that like the same kind of pets or companions to visit music festivals or people who collect the same things they do. Some can seek partners for joint volunteer projects, some dream to meet friends with the same hobbies.

Let’s imagine there’s a dating app for garden lovers. It lets people make new acquaintances with those who love gardening, show their plant collections, ask for advice, and even exchange rare seeds and flowers. The elder generation will appreciate this opportunity. Isn’t it cute?

The first questions to ask yourself before starting dating app development are:

  • Who will use this dating app?
  • Why will they use it?

It’s great luck to find an idea that responds to people’s interests.

For example, nowadays there are millions of people who work remotely. The opportunity to travel around the globe is a core value for most of them. But digital nomads dream of loving partners or companions like most of us do. Partners who will be able to travel with them. Here was born an idea for dating app development that will connect people with the same lifestyle. Now, this dating service is known as Fairytrail.

Dating app development in four steps

Since you determined the main idea of the app-to-be, it’s possible to go to the next step.

1. Definition of important features

How will people seek each other? Let’s think of the necessary features for your app. If you find the appropriate sample, it will make for faster dating app development. The UX design team will understand better what precisely you need if you can show a suitable model. Does «swiping right, swiping left» suit your idea? Or do you need something different?

For example, one dating service specializes in building serious long-lasting relationships. It offers users to fill in a long questionnaire in order to pick partners with complementary psychological features. After that, it sends lists of appropriate candidates every day.

Does this matching model fit your project idea better?

What selection options will your project need? Location, gender, interests, hobbies, attitude to pets, political views, sports activity… What points of compatibility will your dating app take into account?

There’s a wide range of preferences that can be set in the base of selecting algorithms.

To learn more about matching algorithms, you can read the article written by experts and devoted to dating app development.

2. Design, development, and testing

Since you determined the core idea of the app and its main features, further future of the project depends on the proper choice of the development team. UI/UX designers and developers that have the same experience in the background can help you embody your plan into a real product with ease. During brainstorming, experts can help you discover things you haven’t thought of before.

The UI designer will create a suitable interface for the app. UX designer will build the logic of functions supported by user flow.

The team of developers brings to life all the features you need. And the QA team checks whether everything works as expected.

3. Launch, analyze, and improve the app

If your app is of average complexity, it can be completed by an experienced team in three months. After this, you can launch it and get the first real users.

To improve the app, add new features, and get rid of excessive ones allows gathering real feedback. At this step, you enhance all moments users aren’t satisfied and polish the successful features.

4. Adding monetization

And after your app is sustainably getting popular, it’s time to monetize it. Though most actual dating services prefer a freemium business model to attract new users regularly, they still have enough opportunities to make money. Let’s talk about them a bit thoroughly.

How dating app development can help you earn

1. Adds

A great amount of users makes dating apps popular for advertising agencies. You’ll be able to choose from a variety of offers.

2. Affiliate programs

You can get a commission promoting some goods or services on the app. The revenue depends on its relevance to the audience.

3. Premium profile

People are ready to pay for the opportunity to attract attention or to have more conveniences using the app. Getting rid of restrictions can cost money.

4. Extra opportunities

To revoke actions by mistake or to get more matching candidates – people are ready to pay for helpful functions, whatever it is.

What kind of monetization strategy to choose – this question is usually solved in the planning stage. If you work with an experienced team, their consulting sessions can be very helpful. A supportive environment is a very important factor for project success.

If you have a fresh idea, don’t let it gather dust in a box. What if your idea for social connections will change the world? Start dating app development as MVP to check your hypothesis. In this way, you’ll get rid of hesitation and test your thoughts in practice.

Consulting with experts in dating app development can help you define the things you need to clear up.