Fashion sense makes you look older. The sense of your dressing has a lot to say about the kind of person you are. How you clothe yourself reflects your temperament, your self-belief and sometimes also the status of your health. This is consistent with science, and scientists call this phenomenon “enclothed cognition”, which in simpler words can be defined as the effect of the wearer’s dressing on his mental processing.
Sometimes the way you wear your clothes will end up making you look older than you are. Accessories and fashion fail that do so should be avoided at all costs. Some of these are described below:
1. Make Sure Your Neck Stands Out
By making sure that your necks prominently stand out and are not concealed under a garment or an accessory of clothing you can make certain that you don’t look older. Turtlenecks have been out of fashion for a long time now, and you should instead go for something that shows more of the neck than a turtleneck.
2. No Saggy Garments
Oversized clothes will end up making you look larger and bulkier than you are, and at the same time adding age to your look. These might be suitable as gym wear, but should be avoided for use as common articles of clothing. A comfortable fit that accentuates your body shape is what you should go for.
3. Try Not to Use Glasses
If you are using non-prescription glasses to look nerdy, we would suggest getting rid of those as they are probably no longer serving the purpose you intended them for. They are not fashioned accessory and only add years to your appearance.
4. Say No to Short Hair Styles
While you may suppose that short hair makes you look trendy and stylish, however really all it does is causes you to appear a few years older. Instead, wear your hair in a bun or allow it to hang right down to your soldiers.
Read also: Short girls Should Not Make These Fashion Mistakes
5. Stop Going for Fake Tans
Fake tans have an issue with them that they cause the lines and wrinkles on your skin to be emphasized which may not be discernible otherwise. Instead of a going for a fake tan try staying out under the sun while using a decent quality sunscreen to get a natural tan.
6. Let Go of Floral Patterns
Choose clothes with soft colors over clothes that have colorful patterns like that of flowers or paisleys as the latter has become quite an old practice in fashion now. You may wear a floral printed dress to a retro-themed party, but otherwise, it is a practice best avoided.
7. Bid Goodbye to Your Cardigan
A cardigan is that article of clothing that usually defines an old person, and it would do you best just to ditch it. It is an article of old-age and screams maturity like anything, especially if it is in a darker shade. A jacket or a blazer in place of that best cardigan will make you look fashionably elegant and up to date.