16 Simple Rules That Will Help You Protect Your Money In Banks From Fraud


Protect your money in the bank from fraud-Nowadays, we give more preference to card payments. Because of the more use of card payment, there are more frauds taking place with cards.  The cardholders are aware of many basic tips which can help them to protect their card money. Many people know that we need to hide the PIN code and CVV number. But nowadays, fraudsters keep on inventing new tricks, so we also need to protect our money.

Here we will discuss several rules that we should know while operating with bank accounts and cards. These rules will help us to protect our funds in the cards.

When operating ATMs

16 Rules To Protect Your Money In The Bank From Fraud

  • We recommend you to cover the keyboard while entering the PIN code with your hands. For more security, instead of pressing real for keys, touch 6-7 more keys. In this way, fraudsters will feel very difficult to identify the actual PIN.
  • You should be aware of any helpers near ATM’s. When ATM does not eject your card, he may help you by entering your PIN code. He may use your PIN code to empty the money from your card, and when you go to the bank for help, you will find your card cashless.
  • You should use ATMs that get located in the bank offices only. These ATMs are under surveillance 24/7 hours. So it is challenging to install any additional gadgets in these ATMs to steal the information from your cards.

In a shop

  • You should take your card out at a time only after entering the ATM, do not take your card out while you are standing in a waiting line. Keep your card inside your pocket or wallet. A fraudster standing in the waiting line can easily take the photo of your card from both of its sides with his smartphone.
  • Hide the CVV number of your card with a sticker or non-transparent tape so that no one would see it.

  • CVV code can get erased so it would be challenging to use the cards in the case they get stolen. Sometimes, the cardholders feel difficulty to use their cards abroad. So we advise it for the holders who often use their cards.
  • To prevent the cards from the unauthorized remote reading of data from the cards, use individual protection cases.

You are using internet banking and paying money online.

  • Protect your money in the bank from fraud. You should not use internet banking on the computers of others and computers with unprotected networks. Always log out your account after you did the transaction and also clear the cache if you use it on others’ computers.
  • Always read the address carefully in the browser line while making the online payments.
  • Always check the security certificate of the resource that you use; there should be an icon of a lock that is present in the address line. If you click on this lock, you will see the address to whom this certificate has to get issued.
  • When you shop online, you have to give preference to the checked trading platforms because, in today’s time, it is straightforward for the fraudsters to create their internet store. They do it rather than hacking the payment system of the internet-store.
  • You should install and refresh the anti-virus programs on time on your computer. And also change the passwords by choosing the complex combinations of digits and letters at least once every three months.

When you change the settings of your account or the card

  • You have to set reasonable limits on the payment transactions so that you would not make expensive purchases even without entering the PIN code.
  • For internet shopping, you can issue a special virtual card and transfer the needed amount of money to the card before making the appropriate money.

When you communicate with mobile operators and banks

  • Nowadays, fraudsters try to get the information from the cardholders through mobile phones. This technique is called vishing or voice phishing.
  • You have to be sure that you are using the SIM card that gets registered on your name. It will prevent the fraudsters from registering or getting SMS from the bank on their name.