7 Everyday Wrongs Habits That Might Be Killing Your Gadget


Everyday habits that destroy your gadget-Well, with the increase in technology and the developing world it is hard to imagine someone without the gadgets. These devices have simplified our lives and hence has allowed us to get connected to others than ever you were. But the point to determine its the lifespan of the devices and thus here we are to tell you how you can go with one gadget for a longer period.

Smartphone in the bathroom or toilet

Everyday habits that destroy your gadget

Well, in the bathroom a smartphone can quickly slip out of your hand into the water. Well, after the incidence to happen like this, then you might not be able to even rely on it anymore. And on the other hand, taking the smartphone to the bathroom can be dangerous for you. You might get an electric shock if the charger connected phone falls inside the tub in which you were bathing. Hence you must be extremely careful regarding such facts.

Taking a breakfast sitting in front of the laptop.

No matter how much care you do to eat the breakfast but then also the crumbs of the food might fall on the keyboard and get stuck in between the gaps of the keys. You might think that you have gotten all the crumbs, but it is not true. Over time the keys might get stuck, and then even they stop working.

Also, it is not only food or the crumbs that will stop the functioning of the keyboard. A cup of coffee can even stick the keys which might lead to catastrophe. A catastrophe means a wet keyboard.

Leaving the phone charging over the night

Well, you must not worry about if you change your phone once after a year. But if you want your phone to survive for a long time, then you must follow some steps.

You usually leave your phone to charge overnight to get its 100% charging in the next coming morning. Well, nothing is dangerous to do such things because the new chargers will get terminated itself when it reaches an appropriate voltage. But the problem is the devices that get 100% charging is about to discharge soon. And hence it will decrease the capacity of the battery with the rising time.

Discharging of the phone battery completely is one of the habits that destroy your gadget

In the present world, the phone batteries consist of lithium ions, and hence there is a specific cycle of charging and discharging the battery from the period of 0% to 100%. After the particular point of charging the battery start to decrease and hence it is well not to wait until the phone gets discharged. And also do not let the level of the battery to go down below 20%. It is the minimum point at which you must charge your phone once again.

Leaving the gadgets in the car

It is not regarding the safety but regarding cooling and overheating of the gadgets. Heating will impose an adverse effect on technology. If the extreme weather is much humid, then the condensation starts inside the device.

If you leave the gadget in the cold region, then the battery and screen of the phone can get damaged. Hence we will refer you not to go devices in the car in the summer and winter season. But if you have no other choice left, then you must let the temperature of the invention to cool down the temperature before you start using it.

Cleaning of the electronic gadgets using chemicals

Well, you must have the prohibition signs to not to clean gadgets with the detergents for the windows and glass. It is because of the presence of ammonia and the other substances that would damage the antistatics and anti-reflective coatings on the screens. And with the passage of time, the chemicals compounds are the primary reason for the cracks, yellowing, and opacity on the displays.

Taking of laptop to the bed

We usually take a laptop to the bed when it is the time for watching your favorite series. We put gadgets on the lap, and hence it can be harmful to the laptop functioning as it will close the air vents. Please provide the direct access to the air otherwise your gadget would get overheat and stop its operations.