Diy – or “do it yourself” videos are something that at the end of each video, leave us with such hope and feelings of inspiration, that we usually don’t think twice before trying our hand at it, which sometimes hits the mark, but most of the times fail miserably. Here are a few examples of such failures, which are so funny that they might lead you to fits of laughter. Have a look.

1. Eggs went bad!

This attempt surely made the eggs go and look bad!

2. The minion with overlapping eyes

This attempt made the minions roll on the floor laughing too!

3. The burnt doughnuts

These doughnuts might confuse you. You won’t be able to tell what’s chocolate and what’s overcooked!

4. Nail art that makes art look bleak

This hilariously funny attempt at nail art is something else altogether.

Here’s another one!


5. The rabbit that resembles a sheep

This attempt make the rabbit look more like a mix of a sheep cum fur animal!

6. The bowled attempt!

This button bowl left us clean bowled!

7. The not so cute cupcakes

the effort to copy that famous character failed miserably!

8. The sheep with no hair

This sheep looks not only hairless but also mouthless!

9. Sponge bob not at all SquarePants!

This failure is the best attempt at nailing SpongeBob!