Our personality alters with the year we were born in. There are traits that are very peculiar to certain birth years, and they occur in cycles. The last digit of your birth year has something to reveal about you.

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You

The birth year determines to a large extent the kind of traits we would pick up and what qualities would be rooted within us.

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You

Read on to know more about what your birth year has to say about you!

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You

1 If your birth year ends with 1

(1961, 71, 81, 91, 01, 11 etc. )

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You
You are very competitive, and you hate losing! You are pretty ambitious and a true blue warrior when it comes to chasing your goals. You barely give up, no matter what circumstances come your way. You can fight till your lungs give out. You are self-driven.

2 If your birth year ends with 2

(1962, 72, 82, 92, 02, 12 etc. )

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You
You have a dual mindset. You are different with people whom you truly love and different for strangers you might come across. You have your priorities set for the important people in your life. People outside your circle would hardly get to know who you truly are.

3 If your birth year ends with 3

(1963, 73, 83, 93, 03, 13 etc. )

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You
Your personality reaches out multi-dimensionally. You tend to view situations through all perspectives possible before you come to an answer or conclusion. The same applies to what you have to say about your opponents or anyone close to you.

4 If your birth year ends with 4

(1964, 74, 84, 94, 04, 14 etc.)

You are too alert to your surroundings and all that happens around you. You believe in solely understanding yourself before you can reach out to the situations beyond your circumference. You know exactly what puts you off and what drives your inner wheel. Your thought process takes you places.

5 If your birth year ends with 5

(1965, 75, 85, 95, 05, 15 etc.)

The diversity in humankind can be portrayed through your persona. You represent the five components of life- fire, water, earth, heart, and air without which we cannot survive. You can be anything you wish to be, and you have the will to be everything you ever dreamt of.

Read also: Your Soul Symbol According To Your Birth Month

6 If your birth year ends with 6

(1966, 76, 86, 96, 06, 16 etc.)

You are not ignorant of the adversities life has to bring. Your personality can breathe and sustain in the darkest of times. You have a reflection of the dark lord within you (666), meaning that you have the wit to destroy anyone who tries to mess with you in any way.

7 If your birth year ends 7

(1967, 77, 87, 97, 07, 17 etc.)

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You
You have a lot of enigma within you. You are too charming to the eyes of the perceiver. You can hide the deepest of thoughts and secrets behind your grin, and no one would ever know. You have eyes so mystical that people can’t help but talk about it.

Read also: Your birthstone could reveal your hidden traits

8 If your birth year ends with 8

(1968, 78, 88, 98, 08, 18 etc.)

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You
You have so many ideas and thoughts within you, making you a wise thinker. 8 indicates infinity. You as a person can deal with infinite thoughts at once. You like indulging in meaningful talks and intellectual conversations more than anything.

9 If your birth year ends with 9

(1969, 79, 89, 99, 09, 19 etc.)

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You
You have an eye for details. You keep striving for perfectionism, and you like positioning yourself towards the path of excellence. No amount of perfection can ever please your eyes, as you always keep hunting for more.

10 If your birth year ends with 0

(1960, 70, 80, 90, 00, 10 etc.)

What Does The Last Digit Of Your Birth Year Reveal About You
You are flexible and highly adaptive. You can hide your colors very smartly, making you portray yourself as anyone you want. You have a lot of charisma within you, but you can barely give up on that mysterious side of yours.