3 Best Things That The Length Of Finger Could Say About Your Personality


Length of the finger can say a lot about your personality-Different parts of our body can reveal some interesting facts about our personality though we get our appearance from genetics. According to various studies, the length of our ring finger depends upon the levels of testosterone. It is the male hormone which is present in the womb that has a direct impact on your personality. This hormone can slow down the growth of your index finger, and there can be a vast difference between the ring finger and index finger.

It is mostly seen in males because females do not have this hormone in their womb. The hormone estrogen is present in female organs. So there is very less difference in these two fingers of females. Your exposure is higher if the index finger is shorter than your ring finger.

How the length of the finger can say about your personality

Length of the finger can say a lot about your personality

We have found the fascinating research on this topic and listed down simple tests for you to check your personality.

You have to look at your left hand to check your personality through this test. In this test, you have to compare your index finger with the ring finger and find which type of image is yours according to the below-given models.

Your index finger is shorter than your ring finger

People whose index finger is more concise than ring finger are often beautiful, charming, and charismatic. Such people have right and excellent communication skills, and they know how to get the attention of others and remain it. These people often pay-off and are risk-takers. They do not get discouraged if something does not go according to the plan because everything has another way.

It is the reason they excel in everything which they chose to do because they do not get discouraged with anything. These people always set high targets and achieve their goals. Due to their high thinking, some people may call them aggressive, but they are not.

The only thing is that they cannot help it for themselves. As we know the personality depends upon testosterone hormone, so we can only blame the high level of testosterone for their aggressive behavior.

The case if the index finger is more significant than your ring finger

People whose index finger is slightly longer than the ring finger are entirely self-sufficient and very confident. These people naturally lead the pack and known to be good leaders. Nothing around them can make them their faces lose because they are very calm and even-tempered.

These people are not from them who take the first step in anything whether it is a new relationship or a business. When they do the new things they keep staying with their work, and they like to be in charge. These people always think and take into consideration all the possible outcomes while working on something before making any decision regarding the particular thing. They have a very analytical mind. They hate being spontaneous. They always put their step forward after thinking about every circumstance to come in their way.

Both the index and ring fingers are of the same length

People whose both index finger and ring fingers are of the same period are well-balanced, very caring, peaceful, and down to earth. They live their lives in an amicable and well- balanced way. These people are very gentle and kind. Their personality is very tender. They always try to avoid risks and conflicts in their work. They do not accept the job or target in which there are many conflicts and dangers. They want to live their lives quietly and peacefully. They feel very uncomfortable in uncertainties.

These people are always ready to help each other and become excellent friends. They are very faithful and loyal to everyone, especially to their close ones. We can trust them profoundly and can rely on them whether it is at work, in a relationship, or a friendship. There thinking is very positive and always see something in every kind of situation.


This is how the length of the finger can say a lot about your personality. Now you can have a look at your fingers of the left hand to check out your and your friend’s personality. The information given by this study is very right. You can rely on it.