15 Pictures Taken At The Right Exact Moment


13. A dog that breathing fire

Don’t fret; crossbreeding a dragon and canine isn’t possible since dragons died a long time back. The illusion in this picture makes it look as if the dog is breathing out the fire but, in reality, the dog just opened its mouth at the right time; just when a flame shot high from the grill.

14. Monkey fascinated with human females?

The monkey here seems to be a little bit of a player, isn’t it? Other than being attracted to its own species, the monkey does not have eyes for women. But, the photographer of this picture got lucky with the monkey looking at the woman’s thighs.

15. Photobombed by fish

This curious little fish made the picture twice the more interesting by not just coming right in front of the diver at the right time but also looking bewildered at the lens of the camera the photographer had. It was so well timed that the diver’s face looks more like a fish than a human’s face.