What does your fist say about you? We all must have played stone, paper, and scissors a ton times since our childhood but have you ever noticed the type of fist which you used to make while choosing a stone for your turn or while clenching your fist while you were angry? Or have you ever thought what does that fist reveals about you and your personality? No, then start thinking now. Here we have mentioned the types of the fist with their significance so check yours:

Generally, society sees these type of personalities like the one who is sensitive, possess high imaginary power, generous, impatient, curious but having a good sense of humor. But actually, these types of people are strong, driven, protective and mature enough to sense the good and bad for them. If these types of people are in love then they can be shy, desire for special treatment and are caring in nature.

What Does Your Fist Says About You

Observing these types of personalities from a society point of view can result in creative, talented, friendly, clever, confident and the one who possesses leadership qualities. But in reality, these types of people are outgoing, self-assured and honest. They need praise and attention. They are also self-motivated and are satisfied with what they have. If these types of people are in love they will definitely try to pretend just reverse what they are.

Read also: Know Your Personality With The Shape Of Your Thumb

What Does Your Fist Says About You

The perception of society for these types of people is generally intelligent, adventurous, good at communicating, cautious and expressive. But the real face of them is, they are kind, emotional and introspective. They are generally that kind of people who don’t desire for a big, fancy squad for flaunting, they just need some handful amount of qualitative friends with them.

What Does Your Fist Says About You
So have you found what kind of fist you make and what does it has to say about you?