Best Ways To Remove Annoying Stains From Your Clothes-It is heartbreaking when our new clothes get stained and which are impossible to remove. You have to think twice about another time that you should eat something or not. But don’t worry, eat with your free mind, and we have solutions to remove the annoying stains. Let’s take a look below.

Remove underarm sweat stains

Things you need

  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • salt
  • hydrogen peroxide


Soak the stained shirt in a bucket by adding vinegar and warm water in it for at least 30 minutes. Take a separate bowl and put baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide in it. Mix all the things properly and make a thick paste. After soaking of 30 minutes put the shirt on a towel and apply the mixture formed by all the ingredients on the stain. Leave the mix there for 30-35 minutes and then put the shirt into the washing machine.

Read also: Some Tricks Which Will Make Your Old Clothes And Shoes New.

Remove the wine stain

Things you need

  • Boiling water
  • table salt
  • baking soda
  • a piece of cloth

Remove Annoying Stains From Your Clothes


When your clothes get stained with wine, do not waste any time in it. Wash your cloth immediately otherwise it will ruin your new shirt or blouse. Soak your fabric into the water but do not rub it soak it. After some time put some boiling water on the stain which will break the molecules of wine and make it easier to remove the stain. Mix baking soda and table salt and form a thick mixture. Apply the mixture on the stain and leave it there overnight. Wash your cloth with clean water and repeat the same until the stain gets vanished.

Read also: 15 Amazing tricks to have a clean home

Remove the lipstick stain

Things you need

  • Hairspray
  • A damp cloth

Remove Annoying Stains From Your Clothes


Spray the hairspray all over the stained area and leave it there for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes take a clean cloth and dab the stain. Wash your cloth as usual, and your blot will remove.

Remove the coffee stains

Things you need

  • Coldwater
  • liquid dishwasher soap

Remove Annoying Stains From Your Clothes


When your clothes get stained with coffee, then take the back of the dye under running water and do until you see the water is clear. If you don’t find it useful, then we have one another method. Take liquid dishwasher soap and mix it with the cold water and put it on the stain. Rub the stain gently and leave it there for half an hour. Wash your cloth as usual.