Easy home remedies to make your rough hair silky and smooth.
Hello folks!
Women are born with all type of hair. While some of them have long, silky and smooth hair, some other might not have this type of...
Use this Tomato scrub for clean and clear skin.
Tomatoes are effective in making your skin tone even, providing your face a natural glow, and it also brightens up your skin. It contains vitamin C in...
Home remedy to get rid of dark lips naturally.
Dark, chapped lips create a problem for everyone, especially in winters. Lip balms which ought to be effective, rarely provide a long lasting relief.
So, we're bringing you...
Easy home remedy to remove sun tan and dark spots in no time!!
Summer is nothing but awesome apart from the fact that you get harsh tan lines. We make use of sun-tan salve, sun-tan oil and so on to...
Magical Ice-Tomato Facepack For Skin Whitening.
Tomato is a boon for your skin. It helps in treating skin problems such as Suntan, dark spots, Pimple marks, skin breakouts, etc. Tomato juice helps in...
Make your hair appear thicker using these tricks!
Hair makes your face look beautiful. Nothing in the world compares to having thick and gorgeous hair.
But, many girls are facing the problem of hair fall due to...
Turn your dry and frizzy hair into smooth and silky hair at home!!
Many women are fed up of having frizzy, dry and undernourished hair. They waste most of their time in dealing with their hair.Hair turns frizzy because of...